West Hagbourne Village History Group


Annual General Meeting


Monday 30th June 2008 at Wycherts, Main Street



Present: Josie Hill, Ted Kendrick, Eve Setch, Sheila Taylor, Linda Thompson, Val Walton, Mary Wiley

Apologies: Jillian Hedges, Eva Pinkava

Welcome: Josie welcomed everyone and thanked Eve for hosting the meeting. There were no members from the public at the meeting.

Minutes and matters arising from previous AGM (16th July 2007 )

All agreed that the minutes were correct. Sheila queried the location of the boards which Bernard donated to the History Group. Josie will make enquiries as they may be in her dad’s store shed.

Chairman’s Annual Report: Josie read the report of the Group’s activities for 2007-2008. This was published in the June village newssheet and is on the History Group’s web site.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda Thompson. The accounts for 2007 have been audited and found to be correct. Copies of the accounts were circulated at the meeting.

Balance @ 31st December 2007 £1,481.70. Petty cash £68.98

All members agreed that we should change the financial year from December to 31st March.

Election of Officers:

Chairman: Josie Hill-----proposed Sheila Taylor, seconded Linda Thompson

Treasurer: Linda Thompson------proposed Josie Hill, seconded Mary Wiley

Secretary: Val Walton--------proposed Linda Thompson, seconded Ted Kendrick



Matters arising from previous meeting------28th April

Upkeep of Village garden  Mary and Sheila brought this concern to the Parish Council meeting on May 8th. Dave and Sue Totterdell have agreed to be responsible.

Moor Lane: Josie has contacted Mr. Taylor ( chairman of Parish Council ) who has agreed to do any clearing and planting of trees ( possibly memorial trees ) in November so that wild life will not be disturbed.

Chapel Survey: Sheila has e-mailed Andrew Hutt to enquire if there are any results following the resistivity survey last year but she has not had a reply. Sheila will try to contact him again.

Projects: It was agreed that albums will be displayed at Broomsticks on Sunday 27th July at 1pm when the Village Association are organizing a Pimm’s Pate and Puddings Lunch. Ted and Sheila will display the albums after the lunch.

Replacement of village trough by the pond: Sheila reported that Mary Ann, who looks after it, suggested some kind of stone farm trough that sits on the ground approx. 4ft x 1ft 6 x 1ft 6. Members agreed  that we may contribute money towards the cost and that everyone will do some research and bring ideas to the next meeting. Sheila has e-mailed  web site addresses re troughs to everyone.

Book Sales: Outlets-----Didcot  Library, Edna Scott, Josie Hill. Orders were received via the internet. Mary sent books to people in Newbury and Hampshire.

Answering enquiries: All enquiries will be sent to the secretary ( Val ) who will inform members  of the outcome when the enquiry is completed.

History Group’s  Board : Signs of dampness appears on the village map which is displayed  here. Michelle, the Parish Clerk , has agreed to find out the date of purchase and name of company and will email this concern.

New Members: A recruitment drive, possibly joining with the Village Association’s activities, to display all the projects that we have done and hope to do was suggested. It could be promoted as a History Archive Day. Ted also suggested a History Trail.

Val mentioned these views at the Village Association’s meeting on July 1st. Members were happy for the History Group to join with them when celebrating St. George’s Day next year 2009. A joint meeting will be planned towards the end of the year.

A.O.B .Mary brought photocopies of wills, given to the History Group by Jillian Hedges. These wills were very difficult to decipher so Mary will keep them and contact Jillian to find more details.

Josie brought interesting information about a St. George Napper who was born at Holywell Manor, Oxford. He was a Catholic priest and eventually executed in Oxford. Josie is keen to acquire more information in order to trace her family history and possible links.

Request from members of Village Association   Display a tea towel and note let and book and details of where they can be purchased at Village Association’s lunch July27th


Date and venue of next meeting:

Monday 22nd September at 7.30pm at Fairview, York Road (Val’s house )

Please note change of venue