To all members of the Council you are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of West Hagbourne Parish Council at Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne on Wednesday 5th September 2018 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.


Mr A. Wise                                                                                                      42 Balmoral Road

Clerk of the Council                                                                                        Didcot

07501033123                                                                                                  Oxon

westhagbournepc@gmail.com                                                                       OX11 8TY       


21st August 2018



1)     To receive apologies for absence

2)     Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest

3)     To hear reports on OCC and SODC activities

4)     To hear representations from members of the public

5)     To approve the minutes of the meeting of 2nd July 2018

6)     To consider matters, not taken elsewhere, arising from minutes of the meeting of 2nd July 2018

7)     To receive reports from Parish Councillors and the Clerk

8)      To consider financial matters including:

a)     The current financial situation for 2018/19

b)     approval of payments

9)     To note decisions made with respect to planning applications dealt with since 2nd July 2018 meeting and consider outstanding applications.

a)     Clerk to explain to Councilor’s new Planning Response Categories

10)  Highways and Transport

a)     Receive report on the recent traffic speed monitoring undertaken throughout the village

11)  To consider amendments to and sign relevant parts of the risk assessment register.

12)  Chairman’s Article for next edition of Village Newsletter

13)  To respond to communications as the Chairman may direct

14)  To attend to any other business at the Chairman’s discretion

15)  Next Meeting: Wednesday 7th November 2018