WEST HAGBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL                                                            MINUTES



Meeting held at Hagbourne Primary School                                                          9th September 2004

East Hagbourne


Present:  Phil Taylor (Chair), Marion Judd, Bernard Mead, Keith Little and Cllr Patrick Greene

Apologies: Sue Totterdell

Public: Margaret Hedger, Eleanor Bowey, Betty and Ted Kendrick


Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting stating the next half an hour was an Open Forum for questions and comments.


Open Forum

Margaret Hedger and Eleanor Bowey raised the following concerns:

a) vehicles upper end of Moor Lane – Bernard Mead visited Vince Chinnock owner of the vehicles (now resident in Upton). Two vehicles are parked on private ground and will be removed in due course. Vince said the recovery vehicle and ambulance will be moved/disposed of by the end of the year but was concerned at the cost to do this. Bernard Mead said he would look into this for him. Phil Taylor suggested a gentle letter with information about SODC removal might help and encouragement to move vehicles as soon as possible be sent to VC. This was agreed.


b) noise of dogs at Thatch Cottage – Phil Taylor stated the Parish Council had no power to stop noise – it is up to residents to note and record instances of nuisance and send their findings to Environmental Health, SODC.


c) cutting back overhang and growth along and over ditch between Enard Cottage and Thatch Cottage –  contact Public Amenities SODC action clerk.


d) overgrown hedge at exit of Moor Lane will write letter to occupants of Thatch Cottage requesting they cut back hedge – action clerk


Betty Kendrick attended the Pre-enquiry meeting for the Joint Public Enquiry for SODC and Vale of White Horse Local Plan on 7th September and raised the following concerns –

·         Poor planning not to make the Civic Hall for meetings on Sustainable Didcot and Local Plan. When this was questioned were informed there was a bus service to SODC Council Offices, Crowmarsh and it would be difficult and costly to transport all paperwork etc to the Civic Hall.

·         The hearing facilities at SODC were not in working order and it was suggested that chairs be moved forward to accommodate those with hearing problems.

·         Time of meetings – do not take into account those who are working.



Patrick Greene was informed the recent surfacing of road from A417 to Coscote was unsatisfactory. The surface dressing is loose and scattered leaving large patches of surface area bare. PG said he would look into this.


Pot holes in road – PG said indicate site of poles on map and send to Highways.


Condition and maintenance of Foxglove Lane and Church Path – advised to refer to Highways.






The Council meeting opened at 8.15


1.         Minutes of the meeting on 8th July 2004

            The minutes were passed as a true and correct record.


2.         Matters arising

            On agenda


3.         Planning applications

            No new planning applications received


            Local Plan 2011 – update

            Specific amendments have been made to previous response.


4.         Village Maintenance

            a) Land adjacent to Horse and Harrow -  suggestions as to how to improve this piece of ground

            have been discussed with Alec Stacey and covered in follow up letter.  Clearing land, seeding

            and future maintenance needs to be costed and put to budget before further action can be taken.


            b) garden area next to bus shelter – professional gardener (Richard Evans) has quoted £12.50

            an hour to care for this area (£100 = 8 hours annually was agreed at last meeting). The Council

agreed to this appointment – Marion Judd will obtain Mr Evans address and a formal letter of appointment will be sent to him.


c) repaint of phone box – BT said this will be included in their 2005 – 2006 schedule.


d) dog hygiene boxes -  cost of boxes £69.53 excluding installation and £2.49 per bin emptying.

Estimated annual cost for emptying approx £300 a year. Phil Taylor suggested we put this information into newsletter asking for residents views and whether they are prepared to increase their Council Tax to pay for this.


e) litter bins – Public Amenities, SODC inform replacement of bins scheduled within 6 – 8 weeks.


f) bus shelter – quotes and costing will be needed for next years budget.


g) maintenance of seating – seat alongside bus shelter is being refurbished. Seat around tree needs cleaning and wood preservative treatment – to ask Richard Evans if he will do this.


h) Foxglove Lane and Church Path – Highways are responsible for maintaining both these paths. It is about 10 years since Foxglove Lane was serviced.  Both paths need inspection and maintenance. Highways to be contacted – action clerk.


5.         Vehicles in Moor Laneread item a) Open Forum


6.         Village Hall Challenge

            Phil Taylor reported he put forward an initial application to WREN for a grant for a village hall –

            West Hagbourne has qualified for stage 1 and awaiting result to stage 2.

            The proposed site at present is the land adjacent to the Horse and Harrow and if a grant is made

negotiations can be reopened with Greene King plc referring to their letter May 2002 that mentioned the possibility of conveying the freehold of the land to the PC for a nominal sum. (The relevant correspondence on this to be circulated to cllrs).

Phil Taylor said that if we do fail to qualify for this grant there is no reason why we cannot apply for funding from other sources especially if there is a possibility of acquiring this piece of land.


7.         Traffic – update

            Phil Taylor met with Kris Felton (Snr Traffic Technician, Highways OCC) on 26th August in WH

to discuss some form of traffic control along the narrow stretch of Main Street – between the pond and junction of York road/Main Street. Phil Taylor said the traffic flow could not have been more favourable to demonstrate the traffic congestion that can build up in this narrow stretch of road.

As a first step it was agreed to approve the proposed painted narrowing of the road/single file traffic signs on road – will ask for something, perhaps low plastic bollards on one side of road to make it safe for pedestrians.


Bernard Mead attended the Didcot Area ITS (Phase 2) meeting on 8th September and gave a full report to Council.  Minutes of meeting will be circulated.



8.         Parish Plan update

Draft of Parish Plan seen by PT and MJ. Phil Taylor thought some of the questions needed to be

re-phrased.  The questionnaire will be circulated after the distribution of the Oct newsletter that will be used to boost awareness and interest in the Parish Plan. MJ will analyse the results. It was hoped that some sort of celebration of the results of the Parish Plan could take the form of a meeting in the New Year.


9.         Finance

            Cheques raised since last meeting –

CAB. DVC, British Legion Poppy Appeal, Didcot Hospital – all received £25 – Ruth Webb £362.50,  Isis Accord £148.16, Reading Borough Council £3,  HLBAV Audit £58.75, Isis Accord £148.16


10.        Communication

            All correspondence, in and out, circulated to members of council


            Put together newsletter for October.


11.        Any other business

            Consider checking ownership of land adjoining pumping station with Land Registry.


12.        Date of next meeting 11th November.