WEST HAGBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL                                                              MINUTES


Meeting in Hagbourne Primary School

East Hagbourne


Present: Phil Taylor (Chair), Marion Judd, Bernard Mead, Sue Totterdell & Keith Little

County & Dixtrict Cllr Patrick Greene attended


Public attendance x 3


Chairman opened meeting at 7.30 pm


Open Forum

Bus Tokens

Keith Little queried why people resident in Didcot receive a higher value of bus tokens than those living in West Hagbourne.  He reported five people had spoken to him about this.

The PC to do something similar would need to increase the Precept – up to £700.  This will be on the Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting and will be raised in the next newsletter.


Traffic through village

John Thornhill  stated there was an increase in the volume and speed of traffic through the village and asked if there are plans for ‘traffic calming’.- and can we ask the Police to direct traffic calming exercises? Was particularly concerned with some drivers who race along the short straight stretches of Main Street.

Phil Taylor replied continuous and persistent demands have been made to Highways for some form of traffic calming through all Main Street and in particular the narrow section. Discussion followed on signage, humps, chicanes and allocation of funding.

It was agreed to approach the Police to ask if they can arrange a check on speeding through the village. Need to give busiest time for volume and speed of traffic. 


It is predicted that the Didcot Development with increase the flow of traffic through villages.. A possible solution is a By-Pass.


Patrick Greene raised the following:

·         CCTV in Wallingford and Henley

·         Green Waste

·         Xmas sack delivery

·         Structure Plan 2016

·         Structure Plan 2011


The Council Meeting opened at 8pm


1.         Minutes of the meeting on 11th November 2004

            The minutes were passed as a true and correct record.


2.         Matters arising

            see agenda


3.         Planning applications

            a) Plot at Ash Farm, York Road – planning permission granted

            b) 6 York Road – planning permission granted


Planning applications made by c) Thatch Cottage, Moor Lane and d) Ivy Cottage, Main Street are still pending because SODC have not yet reached a decision.


e)Did cot Development – proposed development of land to the west of Didcot – A4130 Park Road to both north and south of B4493 Wantage Road.   Appeal because of failure of SODC to determine a planning application within the time allowed/

Appeal reference – APP/Q3115/A/04/1168356

WHPC to address this in writing.


4.         Village maintenance

            a) Adjacent land to Horse and Harrow – not yet taken forward


            b) Bus shelter garden – has been well pruned, tidied and cleared by the gardener.


c) Bus shelter roof – 3 quotes submitted – costs ranged from £900 to £1500. PT will confer with Dave Carter before final choice is made.  The Council unanimously agreed on £1500.00 to meet costs.


Agreed to approach Village Association and the Village History Group for contributions to cost.


d) Trees, shrubs and flowers

A comprehensive survey of the village, by Sue and Marion, has been made for planting sites for trees and mixed natives.  Information about free trees from Adam Dawson SODC given to Marion.


MJ requested finance for self watering pots for either side of bus shelter – agreed.


Also need to brighten village with colour at focal points.  These can be anywhere in the village, outside peoples gardens, on corners of roads etc.  but would be looked after by residents.


The above details will be presented as an article for the newsletter to enrol support/volunteers for this project.


            e) Foxglove Lane and Church Path

Condition of both paths and the need of maintenance  has been brought to the attention of Brian Short, Highways dept, OCC.


f) Grass cutting – agreed to consider Isis Accord again – to check new price first.


5.         Traffic update

Main Street - Signs indicating ‘road narrows’ are in situ and road markings extend from the pond to ‘Green Thatch’.


Discussion of traffic refer to Open Forum.


 6.        Parish Plan

Plan is printed, bound and read for distribution – probably in February.  One copy per household but each copy can serve up to 6 persons. There is a special section for the 5 – 17 year olds.  A raffle ticket will be exchanged for a completed Plan – to be drawn at a later date for prizes of £20 and £10.


Check with Anton ORCC for final date to claim expenses.


7.         Finance

Cheques raised – Hagbourne School room hire £84; SODC Parish Plan £281.92; Richard  Evans gardener £65.


Balances Current a/c 1746.50

                Business    4526.30

               Total           6272.80



8.         Dates :

            Annual Meeting of the Parish Council  21st April 2005


Annual Parish Meeting 21st May 2005 possible venue ‘Broomsticks’.


Future meetings to remain 2nd Thursday of alternate months


9.         Communication

            Parish Magazine – Clerk and Chair

            Newsletter – PT asked all Cllrs to make a contribution to next newsletter


Correspondence – Letters to UKAEA re nomination of other interest group and Planning Chilton Waste were read to Council.

All incoming correspondence circulated.


Website – Satisfactory.  Minutes and dates etc forward to Roger Sweet.


10.        Any other business

            Road sign outside Peter Mitchell’s house needs upgrading/replacing.


11.        Date of next meeting – 10th arch 2005