WEST HAGBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL                                                              MINUTES


Meeting in Hagbourne Primary School                                               10th March 2005

East Hagbourne


Present: Phil Taylor (Chair), Marion Judd, Bernard Mead, Sue Totterdell

Apologies: Keith Little

County & District Cllr Patrick Greene attended


Public : Betty and Ted Kendrick


Chairman opened meeting at 7.30 pm


Open Forum

Council Tax – Patrick Greene reported a Council Tax rise of 4.5% for 2005/06 plus additional information about County and District Councils.


South East Plan (SEERA)  and Didcot Development were discussed at length – appropriate points raised included in the minutes.


The Council Meeting opened at 8pm


1.         Minutes of the meeting on 11th November 2004

            The minutes were passed as a true and correct record.


2.         Matters arising

            see agenda


3.         Planning applications


a)Did cot Development – appeal to the proposed development of land to the west of Didcot –.   Patrick Greene reported the appeal will not be heard until January 2006


b) Meadows Edge, York Rd – erection of first floor extension and shower room       planning permission granted


4.         South East Plan – The South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) – consultation on a new draft plan to guide development across the SE to 2026.


            Marion Judd is putting first draft of response together – it will be circulated to all members for comment. The consultative period closes on 15th April 2005. 


            Patrick Greene reported County Council and SODC favour option A.  This option puts emphasis on Bicester and Didcot for even more housing provision in the area.

            SODC will meet on 21 April to discuss its report.


            Further discussion followed on housing development and numbers.  Local and surrounding villages must present a concerted front and collaborate when preparing their response to SEERA.  The Local Parishes Group should be given the chance to focus attention and opinion for all those affected.


5.         Parish Plan

            £239.93 received from ORCC to cover cost of printing questionnaire.


            Ten people needed to distribute and collect the questionnaire.


            Raffle at the Annual Parish Meeting will cover funding for prizes.


6.         Bus Shelter – repair of roof

Council informed of a grant of 50% of cost from SODC (Environmental Improvement Schemes) towards repair of roof.


Following discussion on the pros and cons of solar lighting for the bus shelter it was agreed unanimously to go no further with this idea.  Letters were sent to residents living in The Square and overlooking the bus shelter, for their opinions on this.  No response received.


Agreed to move the time-table and secure on inner wall of shelter.


Need to confirm with residents of Woodleys that builder can erect scaffolding in their garden to reach the back of bus shelter roof.


            The Village History Group has promised a donation of £250 towards the repairs.


7.         Traffic update –

            Phil Taylor said there is nothing fresh to report.


Traffic narrows – Main Street – Phil complained to Patrick Greene that the work done did not do what was asked. PG asked Phil to forward a report to him.


It was agreed it is time for another ‘pictorial survey’  of the village – an assessment of what needs to be done – this kind of presentation has more impact that the written word.


Marion Judd suggested it was time for another traffic survey June 6th Marion to co-ordinate this.


Following up complaints of speeding traffic along Main Street, advice was sought from the Roads Policing Department at Abingdon. PC Alan Baverstock is being asked to look into this – however it may be that the only support that can be given is speed checks at infrequent intervals.


Sue Totterdell will circulate response to Transport Networks Review for comment.


8.         Village maintenance

a)trees shrubs and flowers – MJ reported a selection of trees (38) plus stakes have been received – now need able volunteers for planting.   Permission to use some sites will be needed.


Request for funding for motorised digger for tree planting agreed – up to £100.  Will also try borrow one from local farmers if possible.


Bus shelter garden – MJ to have privet removed and replace with Mahonia.


b) land adjacent to Horse and Harrow – nothing yet done


            road sign  opposite H & H needs to be sorted as does the fire hydrant.


c) grass cutting –  Council accept 3.5% increase in charges.  Check Moor Laneis on schedule to have verge trimmed along side of ditch at lower end of lane.


9.         Church Path and Foxglove Lane -  no confirmation as yet from Highways but BM reported two men trimming verge – possibly surveying Lane -  follow up


10.        Village Tidy Up

            Agreed April 9th or 16th if rained off.  Will contact SODC for pickers, bags and collection of rubbish.  Invite Patrick to join us.


            Liaise with East Hagbourne re Tidy Up.


11.        Distribution of Bus Tokens – Councillors agreed to share distribution of tokens to residents of WH.


12.        Finance

            Cheques raised since last meeting  £372.30 Ruth Webb; £48 Tracey Anderson


13.        Communication          

            Agreed to have NL distributed by end of March to advertise Village Tidy Up


            Correspondence – all correspondence circulated to Council members


14.        Any other business

Format for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council discussed - present reports for meeting as last year -  Cemetery, Village Hall, Hagbourne Charities and Governors report.


Inform residents in Newsletter of proposed subscriptions and donations and ask for views.


15.        Date of next meeting – Thursday 21st April - Annual Meeting of the Parish Council  followed by Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council