WEST HAGBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL                                                         MINUTES


Meeting in Hagbourne Primary School                                                 10th November 2005

East Hagbourne



Present: Phil Taylor, Marion Judd, Sue Totterdell, Keith Little, Bernard Mead


Public:  None.  Apologies from Cllr Patrick Greene, Betty and Ted Kendrick


Peter Ronald, Area Traffic Engineer Oxfordshire County Council attended before the Council meeting started to talk about current traffic issues concerning West Hagbourne and answer questions.  There was no Open Forum.


A summary of the points that arose from Peter Ronald’s talk are appended to these minutes.




The Council meeting opened at 8.20pm


1.         Minutes of meeting on 8th September 2005


            The minutes were passed as a true and correct record.


2          Matters arising


            There were no matters arising.


3          Planning applications


There is no further information on the expected revised Didcot West planning application.  Phil Taylor reminded councillors of the importance of passing circulated planning applications on so a formal response can be made within the deadline.  Coloured envelopes might be the answer.


4          Village maintenance


a)         Highways


Various minor defects have been reported to Highways. Phil Taylor has sent them photos of the missing kerbstones.


b)         Village pond


            Thames Water have confirmed they are not abstracting water from the West Hagbourne pumping stations, so the absence of water is entirely due to low rainfall .  Various items of rubbish have been removed from the pond and the invasive water weed is to be cleared by Mary-Anne Butler’s gardener.


c)         Moor Lane


            Nothing was discussed.


5          New village notice board and map


            Greenbarnes have advised that the notice board is ready for delivery. Phil Taylor will contact Hugh Lewis and Tracey Anderson to see if they can take delivery.  Otherwise Marion Judd will accept it.


6          Green waste


It was noted that the Drayton recycling site will be closed for 3½ months from 13th November.


7          Parish Plan


            Sue Totterdell reported a poor turnout for the Parish Plan drop-in meetings. The Steering Group will be meeting tomorrow to finalise the report and draw up the Parish Plan.


8          Land adjacent to horse and Harrow


Greene King have not yet spoken to the licensee.  Phil Taylor will wait until they have before proceeding further.  Clearance of the site can proceed as soon as possible.


9          The sustainable Communities Bill


            It was decided not to support the campaign.


10        Management of facilities – Didcot West


            Bernard Mead will attend the meeting with Harwell and Didcot arranged for next week.  The Parish Council preference is for each parish to retain responsibility for facilities in its own area.  It was considered essential that the green band through the development should be retained.


11        Highway management arrangements


            It was decided to enter into new arrangements only for the highways grass cutting and removal of signs on the highway, as at present.


12        Traffic update


            There was no further discussion on traffic through the village.


13        Storage of archives


Phil Taylor said he has access to a fast scanner to create pdf documents.


14        Finance


a)         Budget and precept 2006/07


The draft budget was discussed. It was decided to increase the precept to £3,950 (as 2005/06 + £450 for four skips for green waste)


b)         Appointment of auditor


            There has been no progress.


c)         Cheques raised:


            Isis Accord (August grass cut) £155.56. Chilton Waste (skip) £129.25. Marion Judd (Cordyline sparkler) £17.98. Isis Accord (September grass cut) £155.56. City Audio Visual (display panels for Parish Plan meetings) £264.38. Sheila Taylor (display cards & refreshments for Parish Plan meetings £93.28. Pryors (taxis for Parish plan meetings) £99.70. Greenbarnes £955.99 (signed but not posted pending delivery of notice board)


15        Communication


a)         Newsletter

            Next issue before Parish Plan meetings


b)         Website

            Nothing discussed


c)         Correspondence


            Decisions were taken on some of the consultations previously circulated and other current correspondence was discussed.


d)         Parish Magazine

            Nothing discussed



16        Other business


            There was no other business.



Date of next meeting – 12th January 2006 at 7.30pm







Chairman………………………………………   date…………………………………..




1          The road through the village is classified as a local distributory road.  Traffic rates of 200 – 600 vehicles per hour are acceptable.


2          Lorries over 7.5 tonnes can be photographed but Parish Council has no power to stop them. Details of infringements could be sent to the company concerned and the local press. Trading Standards can enforce regulations.


3          A 4m road width has to be maintained through the village to enable legitimate traffic to pass.


4          A possible option to be considered would be to remove all white lines and traffic signs. This has been found to be successful in Holton parish.


5          30 mph roundels painted on the road are acceptable to the County Council


6          County Council considers road humps to be the best solution. They are not now allowed to be more than 100mm high.  No street lighting is necessary.  Traffic speed has to be 20mph or less.  Road cushions are not an option as the road is too narrow.  Before humps can be introduced full consultation would be carried out with Police and emergency services etc.


7          The average traffic speed through the village is 35 – 36 mph.  This is considered to be acceptable.


8          Gates are acceptable to the County Council.  The Parish Council could contribute towards the cost.  They would have to be carried out by their contractor.  They must be operable.


9          The 30 mph signs can be moved but must be 50m from the last house.


10        A traffic survey (flows and speeds – electronic) can be carried out for a week on any stretch of road the Parish Council chooses.


11        It is permissible for the Parish Council to put up road safety posters but not signs.


After discussion, the Parish Council was in favour of removing the white lines and signs and then to request a repeat survey after about six months to enable a comparison.  It was decided to speak to Holton Parish Council first.