Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting duly convened and held on Wednesday 6th March 2013 at The Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne


Present: Cllrs M.Butler (Chair), H. Lewis, V. Brownsword, M. Thornhill and E. Setch.


In attendance: L. Dalby (Clerk) and County Cllr P. Greene.


1.       Public Participation

There was none.


2.       District Councillor ‘s Report – Leo Docherty

Cllr Docherty’s annual report is held on file.


3.       County Councillor’s Report – Patrick Greene

Cllr Green reported that the County Council is currently consulting on schools for Great Western Park.

The County Council election is on May 2nd – the number of divisions has been reduced from 74 to 63.

Cllr Green asked the Parish Council to report all potholes.


4.       Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from District Cllr L. Docherty.


5.       To confirm and sign as a true record the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th January 2013

The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


6.       Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest

There were none.


7.       Clerk’s Report

Didcot Town Council have invited representatives of the Parish Council to meet to discuss the forthcoming Community Governance Review. It was agreed that Cllr Butler and the Clerk would                attend.

It was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on 16th May.

The Clerk has reported that overgrown footpath between Shovel Spring and Foxglove Lane.


8.       Highways and Footpaths

The work by the pond is ongoing. There have been some problems caused by the diversion.


9.       Parish Plan Report

The questionnaires have been distributed.


10.   Newsletter

The Council thanked the new newsletter team for their work.


11.   Clerk’s Contract of Employment

The Clerk will forward a standard contract to Cllrs Butler and Setch.


12.   Parish Boundary Review

The dates of the review has not yet been announced.


13.   Welcome Pack

Welcome packs continue to be updated and distributed.


14.   Village Tidy/Litter Pick

It was agreed to hold the litter pick on 27th April. The Clerk will liaise with SODC for equipment and waste disposal.

15.   Planning

P13/S0153/FUL – Change of use of land on which to construct and operate a twin-celled covered service reservoir, adjacent to the existing covered service reservoir and water booster station, at Hagbourne Hill. Hagbourne Hill Service Reservoir, West Hagbourne, OX11 0NS. Approve


A new system for dealing with Planning Applications was agreed.


16.   Accounts for Payment

The following accounts for payment were approved.

Payee and Reason

£ detail


£ total

Lucy Dalby – Clerk’s salary and expenditure




HMRC – PAYE 2012/13




OALC – Subscription




ORCC - Subscription




Milton Parish Council – share Clerk’s SLCC Subscription





17.   Correspondence

All correspondence was distributed.


18.   Items for inclusion on May’s agenda

-          Election of Chairman

-          Annual Parish Meeting to be held in West Hagbourne in the summer.


19.   The date of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as May 1st 2013.



There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9pm.






