Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting duly convened and held on Wednesday 5th March 2014 at The Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne


Present: Cllrs M. Butler (Chair), H. Lewis, V. Brownsword, E. Setch and M. Thornhill. In attendance: L. Dalby (Clerk).


1.      Apologies for Absence

There were none.


2.      Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest

There were none.


3.      Public Participation

No members of the public were present.


4.      To confirm and sign as a true record the minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council held on January 8th 2013

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


5.      District Councillor ‘s Report – Leo Docherty

There was no report.


6.      County Councillor’s Report – Patrick Greene

County Cllr Greene’s report is held on file.


7.      Clerk’s Report


It was agreed that the Clerk would respond to the Community Governance Review reiterating the view of the Parish Council that the housing line of Great Western Park should be the Parish Boundary. The Clerk will also distribute the review to the email list asking residents to support the response.


The Clerk has been asked by East Hagbourne Parish Clerk if residents are concerned about the bus service. The Clerk will ask for opinions via the email list.


8.  Finance

The following accounts for payment were agreed.


Payee and Reason

£ detail


£ total

Milton Parish Council – share SLCC membership




OALC - Subscription




Hagbourne Village Hall – room hire




L. Dalby – Clerk’s Salary and Expenses








HMRC – Clerk’s PAYE




9.  Skip Hire

A skip would cost £240 including VAT. It was agreed to canvass opinion via the email list.


10. Parish Plan

No report.

11. Planning




PC Rec







Removal of entire roof addition of a one and a half storey side




and rear extension, erection of a new roof with an increased




pitch in order to give accommodation at first floor and the




erection of a porch.




Address : Silva Felix York Road West Hagbourne OX11 0NH








Proposed conversion of existing of existing barn to a single




storey dwelling.




Address: Grove Manor Farm Foxglove Lane West Hagbourne




OX11 0NW







12. Highways and Footpaths


Speed limit - Cllr Butler reported that whilst a 20mph speed limit is possible the County Council don’t have a budget for this type of limit and the Police wouldn’t enforce it. Cllr Butler will write a report for the newsletter about speed control.


Flooding – Cllr Lewis reported that a team of volunteers had cleared Hackers Brook which had alleviated the flooding to a certain extent. OCC Highways are aware that the ditches around the village are blocked and Mr Lay has been asked to clear his ditches properly. There continue to be problems with blocked gullies. The Clerk will contact Highways for a meeting or report on what will be done following the flooding.


13.  Correspondence


There was none.


14.  Items for report and inclusion on May’s agenda

- APM 15th May


15.  Future Meetings

The date of the next meeting of the Council was confirmed as May 7th 2014 to be held at Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne, commencing at 7.30pm.



There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.05pm








