Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting duly convened and held on Wednesday 2nd July 2014 at The Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne


Present: Cllrs M. Butler (Chair), V. Brownsword and M. Thornhill.

In attendance: L. Dalby (Clerk).


1.      Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr H. Lewis, County Cllr P. Greene and District Cllr L. Docherty.


2.      Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest

There were none.


3.      Public Participation

There was none.


4.      To confirm and sign as a true record the minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council held on May 7th 2014 

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


5.      District Councillor ‘s Report – Leo Docherty

Cllr Docherty’s report is held on file.


6.      County Councillor’s Report – Patrick Greene

There was none.


7.      Clerk’s Report

The Clerk reported that Eve Setch has resigned form the Council. A notice of the casual vacancy will be displayed on the notice board.

The skip hire was successful and it was agreed to hire another one next year.

The Litter Pick didn’t attract any volunteers other than Cllr Brownsword, and 3 other volunteers. It was agreed to try again in the Autumn.


8.      Finance

a)      Accounts for payment

The following accounts for payment were agreed.

Payee and Reason

£ detail


£ total

RJS (IA) Ltd – Internal Audit




Scion Estates Ltd – Grass Cutting




L. Dalby – Clerk’s Salary & Expenses




Post Office Ltd - PAYE




Aasvogel Waste Management - Skip






b)      Report from Internal Auditor

The internal auditor has reported that it is essential that the Council  complete and adopt a Risk Assessment.


9.      Local Transport Plan 4

Cllr Thornhill will attend the consultation meeting and the Science Vale Transport scheme meeting.

10.  Newsletter Reports

It was agreed to make the newsletter a standard agenda item and agree at the end of each meeting what will be reported and who will write the report.


11.  Rural Affordable Housing

It was agreed to arrange a meeting with ORCC to discuss a housing needs survey.


12.  Defibrillator

It was agreed to ask for volunteers to fundraise for a defibrillator to be sited in the Phonebox.


13.  Local Plan

Cllr Butler gave a report on the SODC Local Plan consultation meeting. It was agreed that the council would prefer some infill in the village rather than Didcot expanding further towards the village.

Cllr Butler will write a response to the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council.


14.  Flooding

A meeting has been arranged with a County Council engineer.


15.  Correspondence

Lights Out Event – commemoration of the declaration of WW1.


16.  Items for report & inclusion on September’s agenda

-          Newsletter – Cllr Thornhill will report on the litter pick, the Clerk submit a report from the Community Heartbeat Trust about defibrillators, and Cllr Butler will report on the Local Plan and flooding.

-          Election 2015

-          Newsletter

-          Risk Assessment


17.  Future Meetings

The date of the next meeting of the Council was confirmed as September 3rd 2014 to be held at Hagbourne Hall, East Hagbourne, commencing at 7.30pm.


There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.10 pm.







