Meeting at Hagbourne Primary School                      21st April 2005

East Hagbourne


Present: Phil Taylor,  Sue Totterdell, Marion Judd, Keith Little

Apologies Bernard Mead


Public  Eleanor Bowey and Margaret Hedger


1.         Minutes of the last annual meeting 29th April 2004

            Minutes were passed as a true and correct record


2.         Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

            Marion Judd proposed Phil Taylor Chair seconded by Sue Totterdell

            Keith Little proposed Marion Judd as Vice Chair seconded  by Sue Totterdell


3.         Parish Council accounts 2004/2005

The accounts were presented to the Council.  Accepted and signed as a true and correct representation of income and expenditure for the financial year 2004/2005.


4.         Reports

            a) East and West Cemetery Committee

b) Hagbourne Charities – Marion Judd reported Butts Piece remains unregistered and it lays it open to others using it.  It is an unused financial asset..  Agreed to write and put forward this Councils concerns.

c) Hagbourne Village Hall – Keith Little reported the committee needs new members - perhaps try and encourage people from this village.

Sue Totterdell would like to be view availability on line –  Keith to feed this back.

d) School Governors report on Hagbourne School


Copy of reports attached.


5.         Parish Council Insurance for 2004/05

            Annual premium £556.47 accepted by Council.


6.         Subscriptions and donations

Annual subscriptions to Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils and Oxfordshire Rural Community Council agreed.


Agreed donations of £25.00 to each of the following –

Didcot Hospital

Citizens Advice Bureau, Didcot

Didcot Voluntary Service

British Legion


7.         Future meetings –

            Agreed to second Thursday of alternative months.





Chairman……………………………………………  date……………………………………….