WEST HAGBOURNE PARISH COUNCIL                                                         MINUTES





Meeting held in Hagbourne Primary School East Hagbourne



Present: Phil Taylor, Marion Judd, Sue Totterdell, Bernard Mead, Keith Little


Cllr Patrick Greene sent his apologies




1          Election of Chair


Phil Taylor was proposed, seconded by Marion Judd and elected unanimously.  The

Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by the Chair in the presence of the Clerk.


2          Election of Vice-Chair


Marion Judd was proposed by Sue Totterdell, seconded by Phil Taylor and elected unanimously


3          Minutes of meeting on 21st April 2005


            The minutes were passed as a true and correct record.


            In future the meeting will be called the Annual General Meeting with a qualification that it is the Annual Meeting that the Council is legally required to hold.


4          Matters arising


There were no matters arising.


5          Reports form other bodies


The following reports were presented:


a)         East and West Hagbourne Cemeteries Committee


            It was also noted that Robin Parsley (as Clerk to the Committee) has written to the District Council regarding the planning application for Didcot West expressing concern that there will not be enough burial space to accommodate the needs of the extra housing in the areas of the two parishes.


b)         Hagbourne Parochial Charities


            The Parish Council was pleased that the land (Butts Piece) has now been registered.


c)         Hagbourne School Governors


d)         Hagbourne Village Hall Committee


            The proposed extension was noted and the implications for a meeting hall proposed for West Hagbourne.  Such a meeting hall must not offer facilities that will then exist in the Hagbourne Village Hall.


6          Representatives on other bodies


a)         William Tyrrell Charity


            Bridget Pickup and Marion Judd were reappointed for a further four years.


b)         Hagbourne Parochial Charities


            No reappointment necessary


c)         Hagbourne Village Hall Committee


            Keith Little was reappointed.


d)         Hagbourne School governors


The Parish Council does not currently nominate a governor.  The Clerk was requested to write to the Chair of Governors to ask what the School’s intention is regarding the future appointment of Community Governors and whether the Parish Council will be invited to make a nomination.


7          Annual accounts 2005/06


            The Annual accounts were presented and signed as a true record of the Council’s receipts and payments and financial position.


8          Renewal of subscriptions


It was decided to renew the subscriptions to the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils and the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council.


9          Donations


            It was agreed to make donations of £25.00 each to Didcot Community Hospital, Didcot Volunteers Centre, Didcot Citizens Advice Bureau and the Royal British Legion.


10        Renewal of insurance policy


            In addition to the renewal quotation received from Allianz Cornhill, the Clerk had requested a quotation from Zurich Municipal.  It was agreed to delegate the decision on renewal to the Clerk when the Zurich Municipal quotation is received.  The insurance must be renewed before 1st June 2006.


11        Signatories for the Barclays Community Account


It was agreed to make no changes to the signatories.


12        Other business


There was no other business.







Chairman………………………………………   date…………………………………..