PARISH OF WEST HAGBOURNE                                                                     MINUTES





Meeting held “Broomsticks”, West Hagbourne




Cllr. Phil Taylor (Chairman of Parish Council), Cllrs Marion Judd, Sue Totterdell, Tom Barker, and John Thornhill (Parish Councillors), Roger Sweet (these minutes), Bernard Mead, Peggy Mead, Bridget Pickup, Tony Pickup, Margaret Hedger, Eleanor Bowey, Betty Kendrick, Ted Kendrick, Dave Totterdell, Jeff Powell, Andrea Mitchell, Charles Keevil, Penny Keevil, Sheila Taylor, John Baile, Jackie Bannister, June Little, Eva Pinkava, Ruth Webb, Jo Taylor.


Apologies were received from Val Walton and Mary Wiley.


1          Welcome by Chairman


Phil Taylor opened the meeting and welcomed everyone attending, and promised to ensure the Annual Meeting was not held in future to clash with the Cup Final.


2          Annual reports


Copies of the Parish Reports comprising the Chair’s (Parish Council) Report and reports of the Village Association, History Group, William Tyrrell Trust, Parish Plan Steering Group and reports by Patrick Greene (District and County Councillor) were given to all people present.  The Parish Reports also included a summary of the traffic measurement results following the removal of white lines and road signs.


3          Open Forum






Land opposite the Horse and Harrow:




The Chair summarised the current position regarding the Parish Council’s interest/action in the plot of land, i.e. that the Council had had the land cleared and seeded and had been given the opportunity to buy it from Greene King for a nominal sum of (say) £1,000 or to lease it for a peppercorn rent for a period of 25 years.  The Council would prefer to offer a lower sum than £1,000 to buy the land and money is available.




The following comments were made:

  • The clearance of the site has resulted in the appearance of it having been opened up
  • If the Council has been offered the plot for £1,000 it should jump at the opportunity
  • The village should easily be able to raise the money to buy it and there would be no dissenters.
  • Contributions could be requested from the public
  • Could the purchase be split over two years to ease the cash-flow?
  • The Council should be aware that Greene King are rumoured to be involved in a take over – hence action should be prompt.
  • There could be problems with the land becoming a car park for the public house
  • The plot would make a nice area for village children to play.  It was thought that the location is not really suitable for children – plot would also need to be fenced and gated – someone would need to be available to lock/unlock it
  • The plot is better suited for a meeting place
  • A meeting hall would also be suitable for keeping parish records if a fire-proof room could be provided
  • An application for a grant towards building has already been made to WREN – nothing heard yet.
  • If the road towards Upton was closed this would help with car parking.  Access to A417 from this road is dangerous
  • There are probably more accidents at the Hagbourne Hill junction than the other one.
  • Can the village afford the costs of upkeep of a hall?
  • It would be a good idea to contact other village halls to find out their experience of costs of upkeep, etc.
  • There have already been volunteers to look after bookings etc
  • Bookings, etc could be made on-line
  • Should licensee of Horse and Harrow be given first refusal for off-sales at functions, etc?




In summary

  • People were generally in favour of buying it as it would be a village asset.
  • Those attending gave their full support and would support any fund raising initiatives to make this project feasible.
  • There was overwhelming support from those present for the Parish Council to proceed with the purchase of the land from Greene King for an acceptably nominal sum.




Parish Council



Flooding in Main Street:




The Chair explained that road drainage by Wycherts is into the Moor Lane ditch and Highways advise that this is not deep enough.  Highways have advised that it needs to be deepened by about 2 feet.




Removal of road signs and white lines:




The Chair explained that a traffic speed survey carried out after removal had shown removal had made no difference to traffic speed.




The following comments were made:

  • What would happen if there was now an accident where the lines had been removed?
  • The white lines made it easier to see the road in the dark
  • Highways did originally say that they could be replaced if the traffic speed was not reduced
  • Some people have always disregarded the white lines anyway
  • Something still needs to be done to slow traffic as it enters the village
  • The bend at the junction with Foxglove Lane is a particular problem
  • Youngsters appear to love to speed round the bend
  • Should the Council seek to get the original Halcrow proposals implemented?
  • Should the hedge at the Foxglove Lane junction be reduced in height? -  it was thought not
  • Width restrictions would cause traffic jams – but this may deter people from driving through the village – would also inconvenience villagers
  • White lines in narrow stretch outside Green Thatch need reinstating
  • Should anything be done to remove the redundant posts? – the general view was that these should be removed




In summary, the Chair said that the Parish Council would revisit the original Halcrow proposals for reducing traffic speed entering the village, and press for some input from the authorities.

Parish Council



Future growth of Didcot:




The Chair explained that he and Bernard Mead had attended two Didcot community involvement events arranged by SODC.  The Parish Council would continue to voice their opinions wherever possible.  He thought the Council over the past 4 years had made a good job of raising the profile of West Hagbourne.

Parish Council



Parish Plan:




Sue Totterdell explained that arising from the Parish Plan volunteers had replaced the style on the path to Upton with a kissing gate.  This had been welcomed by most people.  Sue asked whether there were any other suggestions for improvements.




The following points were raised:

  • Environmental improvements along Moor Lane
  • Reinstatement of the former pond in Moor Lane
  • Raising the first part of the path along School Path
  • Planting a dense tree screen to screen the proposed Didcot housing from the village


Village improvements group



Boundary review:




The Chair explained that a parish boundary review of Didcot West was currently under way.




The following comments were made:

  • The previous Parish Council had said that it would prefer not to relinquish part of the parish
  • New Didcot housing in the parish would mean parish councillors representing that area.  Mix could be 3 councillors from Didcot West and 2 from the village.
  • The Parish Council could agree to relinquish part of the parish if the parish could gain from it in other ways.




In summary, the Chair said that the Parish Council could consider agreeing to a boundary change if the parish could gain from this, perhaps financially.

Parish Council



Other matters discussed:




Road safety at Coscote

Parish Council



Removal of unauthorised signs on the highway – The Parish Council has decided not to enter into a formal agreement with the County Council for this so responsibility for the removal of signs now rests with the County Council




Pot holes in York Road




Andrea Mitchell proposed a vote of thanks to the parish councillors for their hard work




Meeting ended, with a Thames Valley Police surgery at .4.15pm