West Hagbourne Village Association

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

held on 16th November 2015.


Present: Pierre Aller, Malcolm Brownsword, Rob Griffiths, Betty Kendrick,

Ian Leishman, Margaret Leishman, June Little, Bridget Pickup, Eva Pinkava,

Hazel Rack, Keith Walton, Val Walton.


Apologies: Marion Judd.


There were no other village residents present at the meeting or apologies received.


Val opened the meeting by welcoming all those present.


Minutes of previous AGM (13/11/14) were approved and there were no matters arising.


Chairman’s Report: Val thanked the committee members for all they had done in the past year and presented her annual report (copy held in file).

Betty thanked Val for her continuing hard work as Chair of the Association.

A copy of the report will be included in the next village newsletter.


Treasurer’s Report: Keith circulated a copy of the Association’s bank statement to 30th October 2015, showing a balance of £1,289.30. He commented that the hiring out of the marquees and the village lunch (Pimms & Pate) had generated small profits. Keith circulated a detailed income and expenditure for the lunch event (copies in file).

The Association’s accounts have not been audited this year – Keith will arrange this.


Election of Officers & Committee: in accordance with the terms of the Association’s constitution, the present Officers stood down and were re-elected as follows:


Nominee                                                     Proposer                                   Seconder


Chairperson - Val Walton                      Betty Kendrick                       June Little


Vice chair. - June Little                           Bridget Pickup                        Betty Kendrick


Treasurer – Keith Walton                     Eva Pinkava                              Hazel Rack


Secretary – Margaret Leishman         Hazel Rack                                June Little


Members of the Executive committee are as follows: Pierre Aller,

Malcolm Brownsword, Ian Leishman, Bridget Pickup, Betty Kendrick, Hazel Rack, Rob Griffiths, Eva Pinkava.


Future Events:

Dragon Weeks – April 2016. Details will be discussed at the next meeting. Ian Leishman will contact Mike Parker regarding the dragon in the pond, as the committee expressed their concerns about the depth of the water now that the pond has been dredged. Probable venue for the village teas on Saturday 23rd April (St George’s Day) will be Chapel Hayes. Dragons are to be displayed 2 weeks before this date.


Madge Trophy – planned for a day during August 2016.


Margaret suggested a committee social event in January or February 2016 at the Horse & Harrow. She will contact Helen to discuss a possible date (Monday) for an evening meal.



Betty expressed her concern regarding the possible axing of the public transport service for West Hagbourne.  The committee agreed that such concerns should be personally directed towards the Parish council who may be in a better position to represent villagers’ interests on this matter.


Keith, after having the responsibility of the maintenance and hiring out of the marquees for a number of years, has decided to stand down. Rob very kindly volunteered to take on the role, and Margaret & Ian will stand in when Rob is unavailable. The committee thanked Keith for his commitment and hard work, which has resulted in a successful fundraising resource for the Association.  


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 7th March 2016.

Fairview, York Road, 7:30pm.