West Hagbourne Village Association


Minutes of Meeting held on 10th July 2017.


Present: Val Walton (Chair), Ian Leishman (Vice-chair), June Little (Treasurer),

Margaret Leishman (Secretary), Hazel Rack, Bridget Pickup, Betty Kendrick,

Rob Griffiths.


Apologies for Absence: Eva Pinkava, Pierre Aller, Rob & Emma Rickard.


Val opened the meeting by welcoming all those present.


Minutes of previous meeting: dated 3rd April 2017 were approved.


Matters Arising: Marquees & Equipment- Rob reported that there are 4 tables and 4 chairs missing from the store. Either they have not been returned after a recent hiring or they have been taken without permission. All equipment was present for the St. George’s Day Teas on 23rd April, however 4 tables that had unknowingly been borrowed were returned on that morning, and one table was found to be damaged. Rob has done some investigations, but so far there is no sign of them. The 4 missing tables represent a significant proportion of our stock and as they cost over £100 each, we are unlikely to be able to replace them. Margaret will put a notice in the August edition of the village newsletter appealing for their return or information regarding their whereabouts. It was decided that we need to secure the equipment and mark it all as belonging to the WHVA. Rob will organise this and also buy a new storage box for one of the marquees.

St George’s Day events-all agreed these were a huge success this year. There were over 20 dragons displayed around the village, and in lovely weather, approximately 80 people attended the teas, 15 of which took part in the village spring walk with Rob and Emma. Val requested that a special mention should be made regarding the generosity of Rob and Emma who have donated their dragon prize money, plus an additional sum to the Macmillan Coffee Morning funds.

Village Walks- the village walks have proved to be popular, however, probably due to the hot weather only 7 attended the summer walk led by Margaret and Ian on 9th July.

Noticeboard- the committee discussed again whether another village noticeboard, situated in Foxglove Lane, was necessary. However, this is unlikely to happen as the Parish Council has stated that there is no funding available.


Treasurer’s Report – June reported that Ian Thomson has now audited the accounts (see file for accounts spread sheet). June also reported that the Association currently has £1039-82 in the account and the takings for the St George’s Day teas amounted to

£120-75, which after outgoings left a profit of £26-05 (see report in file). June will organise a gift for Ian for his services. Barclays Bank in Didcot has still not changed the signatories on the account despite us having submitted new forms to replace those that have apparently gone astray. June has also written a letter to the Bank dated 5th June in an effort to get the matter resolved.


Future events: Madge Trophy – the judging for the front gardens competition will take place in early September. Val will escort this year’s judge, Jane Kinniburgh, around the village.

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Saturday, 30th September, 10.30am-12.30pm. This charity event will be held at York Farm. Val has received the necessary information, promotional material and some resources from the main organisers but we will need more. We will put up posters and distribute leaflets around the village closer to the event. Margaret will put an advert in the August edition of the village newsletter and also in the September issue of the Parish magazine. We will need plenty of donations of homemade cakes, Margaret will borrow the urns and teapots from school and we will use china mugs, paper plates and serviettes. Final arrangements will be discussed at the next meeting.

Autumn Village Walk – Sunday, 8th October, 2pm. To be discussed at the next meeting.


A.O.B. – Bridget requested if she could hire one of the marquees on behalf of Styleacre who are holding a fete in Blewbury on 23rd July. The committee approved this as several villlagers have connections with this charity and many also support it.


Date of next Meeting – Monday, 11th September, 7:30pm at Betty’s house, Driftway, York Road.


Many thanks to Val for her hospitality.