West Hagbourne Village History Group

Minutes of meetings


The West Hagbourne Village History Group was established in 1991 by a group of villagers interested in pursuing the history of the village. The Group is open to anyone and new members are always welcome. There is no official membership but the Group has a constitution, holds annual general meetings and audited accounts.

The aims of the Group are:

  • to research, write and publish the history of the village

  • to continue to maintain historical records
  • to promote interest in the recording of village activities
The Group published the book Windsor Hakeborne: the Story of West Hagbourne to coincide with the millennium year 2000. The publication followed nine years of meticulous research and received very appreciative reviews.

The History Group maintains an archive for the village and continues to pursue projects of historical interest.
Click here to find out about other projects.

Current office bearers:
Chairman: Josie Hill 01235 210900 farmhairstudio@hotmail.com
Secretary: Val Walton 01235 851089 keith.walton4@btopenworld.com