Hagbourne Village Association
The Association is the main organiser of village social events
which help to foster a sense of community.
West Hagbourne Village History Group
West Hagbourne has a thriving and active History Group whose biggest
achievement to date is the publication of the history of the village
in a hard-back publication Windsor
Hakeborne: the Story of West Hagbourne.
Hagbourne Garden Club
Hagbourne Garden Club meets most months. Events include talks,
slide shows, demonstrations, plant sales, garden visits and occasional
seed distributions.
William Tyrrell Charity
William Tyrrell Charity (also known as the Tyrrell Trust) is a
charity which helps people in West Hagbourne who are in need.
The income from the charity comes from renting a small piece of
land left to the poor of West Hagbourne by William Tyrrell, a
local land-owner, in 1662.
and West Hagbourne Village Fund
The annual
Hagbourne Fun Run raises money for cancer research and for the
East and West Hagbourne Village Fund.The modest pot of money is
available to support local good causes. It was set up in March
1995 with the objective "to provide a contingency fund of
money for the villagers of East and West Hagbourne"