Parish Plan


Community Led Plans (formerly Parish Plans) 2012

Making sure the views of our entire community reach the right levels of local government is very important. This community includes everyone who lives or works within the boundaries of West Hagbourne.
Community Led Plans can influence strategic planning bodies at a local level and Local Authorities can use this information in their planning and policy delivery, thus providing services to rural communities that meet their needs. Regular updates are an essential part of that process.
With your enthusiasm and determination a Community Led Plan can make things happen in our community. There can be many benefits of producing a plan, it can:
· Create a real sense of community spirit, getting people involved and talking to each other
· Gain funding for local initiatives
· Highlight issues of concern
· Provide clear evidence of community needs and priorities for Local Councils to plan their resources and effort
· Inform policy makers and give a local perspective
· Encourage partnership working

West Hagbourne made its first 5-year plan in 2006 (revised in 2009) and its is time now to update its Community Led Plan again. You'll find a link to the first plan at the bottom of this page, and details of the steering group will appear soon.
If you would like to help or get involved in any way please contact:

Marion Judd on 01235 850143 or email; marion.judd@westhagbourne.orgor

Susan Totterdell on 01235 850080 or email;

Click here to see the current 2013 Community Led Plan and here to see the additional explanatory leaflet

Click here to see the Parish Plan introduction and objectives 2006 - 2011

Click here to see the Parish Plan 2006 - 2011

Click here to see the Parish Plan Update 2009